This was Chapter 3 of my dissertation. A wonderful read for lovers of corporate governance especially as relates to the Nairobi Securities Exchange 3.1 INTRODUCTION Traditionally the idea of starting a business was driven by one motive only; that is to make profits. Questions of good corporate governance and business ethics never arose. All that mattered to organizations was whether they made profits and not how the profits were made [1] . Indeed most private business leaders are driven by profits and make no apologies for it. Ellen J Kullman , president of E. I. Du pont de Nemours and Company states that: “ Without profits, our system literally cannot be maintained anymore than man can survive without oxygen. No one would argue that breathing is an objective of life but no one could deny that, without it, no other objectives would be conceivable. And so it is and takes with it any possibilities of improving man's state of affairs. ” [2] This statement only s...