I wrote this essay back in the year 2007. Most of the situations have drastically changed either in the positive or negative. The principles remain the same though.

The concept of good governance and development is as old as the human civilization. Governance can be described as the process by which decisions are implemented. It is a process by which decisions are implemented in a way that is consensus oriented, participatory, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective, efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law.

Development on the other hand may be described as the climbing up of the social ladder either as an individual, community, an organization or a nation. It is brought about by the presence of good economy and good governance. It can be observed through presence of quality infrastructure, health care and educational facilities and quality service to citizens.

Without god governance there is seldom peace and without peace there can be no long term development. Hence for a society to sustain development it ought to have good governance. in this respect "good governance and development" are inseparable social factors.

The essence of this essay is therefore to illustrate that it is important for a nation to exemplify "good governance" in order for growth and development to be experienced. This can be achieved by focusing on the most fundamental organs of good governance and the influence that they have on development.

Good governance ensures that corruption is minimized; creates an enabling political and legal environment for economic growth; develops policies that deliberately attack poverty and promote health and social safety nets; builds an enabling environment for the private sector to generate economic growth, jobs and income; offers an equal  playing ground for all genders and listens to the views of the most vulnerable in the society. it is therefore important for a nation aspiring to grow to take into account all these features of good governance.

Corruption not only impedes the ability of a government to function properly but also stifles the growth of the private sector. jt is therefore evident that where corruption is rampant, contracts are unenforceable, competition is skewed and the cost of doping business becomes extremely high. Investors may therefore opt to devote their money else where thus leading to a collapsing economy. For instance, when corruption was rampant in Kenya, investors and donors worldwide withdrew their investment and support respectively from the country. this was due to the severe effects of corruption suffered by both parties. An anti-corruption unit had to be created to deal with corruption matters in an effort for the country to regain the confidence of both investors and donors.

An enabling political and legal environment for economic growth is created when views and opinions of the citizens are taken into account. It is also created by involving the citizens in decision making through referendums and in elections. As a result, the citizen body works toward achieving the goals included in the preamble f their constitution in an effort to increase the rate of economic growth and development of the nation. It is in this aspect that a state like America has become a world power. America's love for their constitution has become a source of envy and emulation for the whole world.

Under good governance, policies that deliberately attack poverty and promote health and social safety nets can be developed. These policies provide guidelines that lead towards achievement of a nation's visions. For instance in Nairobi a project otherwise known as Adopt-A-Light was developed to deal with lighting of streets and estates. As a result, crime rate has reduced and job opportunities have been created through employment of people to work on the project. The outcome of this is a happy working nation and increased economic growht rate hence improved living standards and development of the country's infrastructure. Free primary School education has also decreased the illetracy level in the nation to assumed levels thus empowerig human resources.

An enabling environment for the private sector to generate economic growth, jobs and income is another aspect of good governance. This enviironment is created by reduction of tax rates on resources necessary for development, giving an equal playground to all walks of enter[prenuers to conduct their activities and support micro financing institutions. Consequently, small scale traders enjoy quality bankig services among others that help them improve their businesses.
Gender parity ensures that all sexes are equally represented in the making and implementation of prerequisite decisions. This ensures that the interests of both parties are not only taken into account but are also protected. Hence both men and women are able to live together and focus on a common goal of building their nation. Uganda's economy has tremendous,sly risen up in the recent past due to a legislative Act that states that there should be at least thirty percent representation of women in all positions of government parastatals. 

Good governance entails listening to the views of the most vulnerable in the society and including them in decision making. Children, youth and the physically and mentally challenged ouhgt to be heard for their needs to be catered for. In so doing, fair and condusive environments are created for all individuals to bring out their best.

In a nutshell, good governance and development co-exist with each other. Without good governance there can be no sustainable development. It is therefore the duty of every government to practice good governance in order to develop. It is my joy that although most countries are yet to attain good governance, they are working towards achieving this goal. I have a dream that one day; there shall be good governance, peace, economic growth and development worldwide for the benefit of all persons.


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